What’s Interesting About Tokyo, The 13th Prefecture In Japan? How Far Is It From Tokyo?

What’s Interesting About Tokyo, The 13th Prefecture In Japan? How Far Is It From Tokyo?

The capital of Japan, Tokyo, is a bustling metropolis known for its neon-lit skyscrapers, ancient temples, and modern technology. But did you know that there’s another “Tokyo” out there, a lesser-known prefecture nestled within the greater Tokyo metropolitan area? Officially known as Tokyo Metropolis, it’s often referred to as the 13th prefecture, a unique designation that sets it apart from the other 47 prefectures in Japan. This article will delve into the intriguing world of Tokyo Metropolis, exploring its unique characteristics, its relationship to the city of Tokyo, and the exciting attractions it offers visitors.

Tokyo Metropolis: The 13th Prefecture

While the term “Tokyo” often refers to the bustling city, Tokyo Metropolis is an administrative division, a prefecture just like any other in Japan. It’s crucial to understand this distinction, as it allows for a deeper appreciation of the city’s unique structure and its relationship with the surrounding prefectures.

  • Administrative Distinction: Tokyo Metropolis is governed by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, which oversees the city’s administration, infrastructure, and services. This is in contrast to the other 47 prefectures in Japan, each with its own independent government and administrative structure.

  • Geographical Context: While Tokyo Metropolis encompasses the urban area we generally refer to as “Tokyo,” it’s geographically distinct from the surrounding prefectures, such as Kanagawa and Chiba, which are also part of the greater Tokyo metropolitan area.

  • Urban Planning and Development: Tokyo Metropolis boasts a unique urban planning strategy, often referred to as the “Three-Centered City” concept. This system aims to distribute urban development across three major centers: Shinjuku, Shibuya, and Tokyo.

  • The 23 Special Wards: Tokyo Metropolis is further divided into 23 special wards, which serve as local administrative units within the prefecture. These wards offer distinct neighborhoods, each with its own unique character, culture, and attractions.

  • The Role of the 13th Prefecture: The designation “13th prefecture” underscores the unique status of Tokyo Metropolis as a major administrative center within the greater Tokyo metropolitan area. It allows for a more nuanced understanding of the city’s complex governance and urban planning.

The Distinctive Charms of Tokyo Metropolis: A World of Contrasts

Tokyo Metropolis is a fascinating tapestry of modern urban life and traditional Japanese culture. Here are some of its most captivating aspects:

  • The Skyscraper Skyline: Tokyo Metropolis boasts a skyline that’s both stunning and awe-inspiring. The towering skyscrapers, including the Tokyo Skytree and the Tokyo Tower, are modern marvels that define the city’s urban landscape. These iconic structures are not just architectural achievements but also symbols of Tokyo Metropolis’s dynamic energy and economic prowess.

  • Traditional Temples and Shrines: Despite its modern urbanity, Tokyo Metropolis is rich in history and tradition. Nestled among the skyscrapers are ancient temples and shrines, including the renowned Sensoji Temple and the Meiji Jingu Shrine. These sacred sites offer a glimpse into Japan’s rich cultural heritage and provide a tranquil oasis from the bustling city life.

  • Vibrant Neighborhoods: Tokyo Metropolis is a mosaic of distinct neighborhoods, each with its own unique flavor. Shibuya is renowned for its youthful energy, Ginza is synonymous with luxury shopping, and Akihabara is a haven for all things anime and manga. Exploring these diverse neighborhoods is a journey through different facets of Tokyo Metropolis’s cultural and urban tapestry.

  • Cutting-Edge Technology and Innovation: Tokyo Metropolis is a leading center of innovation and technology, constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. From robotics to artificial intelligence, the city is home to some of the most exciting technological developments in the world. A visit to the Miraikan, the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation, is an essential stop for anyone interested in the future of technology.

The Relationship Between Tokyo Metropolis and the City of Tokyo: A Tale of Two Cities

While often used interchangeably, it’s important to understand the distinction between Tokyo Metropolis and the city of Tokyo. The city of Tokyo is the core of Tokyo Metropolis, encompassing the 23 special wards. However, Tokyo Metropolis as a whole extends beyond the city limits, encompassing several other areas, including the Tama New Town, a planned urban development project, and the Izu Islands, a group of volcanic islands located south of the main city.

  • A Shared Identity: Despite their administrative differences, both Tokyo Metropolis and the city of Tokyo share a strong sense of identity and cultural unity. The city is the economic, cultural, and political heart of Japan, and its influence extends throughout the metropolis.

  • Urban Sprawl and Development: The relationship between Tokyo Metropolis and the city of Tokyo reflects the dynamic growth and evolution of the metropolitan area. As the city of Tokyo has grown, it has naturally expanded into neighboring areas, blurring the lines between the city and the prefecture.

  • Challenges of Metropolitan Governance: Managing a sprawling metropolitan area like Tokyo poses unique challenges for both the city government and the prefecture. Issues such as transportation, infrastructure development, and environmental sustainability require coordinated efforts between both entities.

  • A Unified Vision for the Future: Despite the administrative distinctions, both Tokyo Metropolis and the city of Tokyo share a common vision for the future, striving to create a thriving and sustainable metropolis that caters to the needs of its diverse population.

How Far Is It from Tokyo?

This question can be a bit tricky! As we’ve learned, “Tokyo” can refer to both the city and the prefecture. If you’re wondering how far it is from Tokyo Metropolis, then the answer is “it’s already in Tokyo.” Tokyo Metropolis includes the city of Tokyo, so there’s no distance to cover.

However, if you’re interested in the distance to other areas within the greater Tokyo metropolitan area, such as Kanagawa or Chiba, then the distance will vary depending on your starting point in Tokyo Metropolis and your destination.

For example, the distance from Tokyo Station in the city of Tokyo to Yokohama Station in Kanagawa prefecture is about 30 kilometers. However, the distance from Tokyo Station to Narita International Airport in Chiba prefecture is about 60 kilometers.


Understanding the distinction between Tokyo Metropolis and the city of Tokyo is key to navigating this fascinating metropolis. Tokyo Metropolis is a fascinating blend of modern urban life and traditional Japanese culture, offering a unique tapestry of experiences. From the iconic skyscrapers of the city to the serene temples and vibrant neighborhoods, Tokyo Metropolis has something to offer every visitor. Its unique administrative structure, its vibrant cityscape, and its diverse cultural tapestry make it a truly remarkable destination.

Keyword Tags

  • Tokyo Metropolis
  • 13th prefecture
  • Tokyo city
  • Tokyo metropolitan area
  • Japan

10 thoughts on “What’s Interesting About Tokyo, The 13th Prefecture In Japan? How Far Is It From Tokyo?

  1. Jane Doe says:

    Wow, I never knew there was a 13th prefecture in Japan! This is really interesting. I’m going to have to do some more research on this. 🤔

  2. Robert Gray says:

    I’m not sure I understand this article. It seems to be saying that Tokyo is a prefecture, but also saying that it’s not. Is this some kind of riddle? 🤔

  3. Jessica Black says:

    I think the author is trying to be clever with this article, but it’s just confusing and misleading. I’m not sure what they’re trying to achieve. 😕

  4. Sarah White says:

    This is a great article for anyone who wants to learn more about Tokyo. It’s well-written, informative, and engaging. I highly recommend it. 👍

  5. Thomas Green says:

    So, Tokyo is a prefecture? That’s news to me! I thought it was just a city. This article is making my head spin. 🤯

  6. John Doe says:

    This article is so confusing! I’m not even sure what it’s trying to say. Is Tokyo a prefecture or not? And why is it the 13th? I’m so lost. 😩

  7. Lisa Jones says:

    So, Tokyo is the 13th prefecture? What about the other 12? Are they all invisible? Or is this just a joke? 🤔

  8. Mark Smith says:

    Actually, Tokyo is not a prefecture, but a metropolis with its own unique governance system. The article seems to be mixing things up a bit. 😉

  9. Emily White says:

    This is a very interesting and informative article. It’s clear that the author has done their research and is passionate about the subject. I learned a lot from this article. 👍

  10. David Brown says:

    This article is so full of holes, it’s like a swiss cheese. I can’t believe anyone would publish this. 😒

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